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Old 06-08-2023, 10:47 AM   #3013
The new goggles also do nothing.
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Join Date: Oct 2001
Location: Calgary

One thing that I haven't really seen talked about is the balance that TotK strikes with its quests and how much they guide you.

Most open world games these days have super GPS that guides you exactly where you need to go, tell you what to do, etc.

In TotK often a quest marker will stay at the quest giver, and the text just gives you a general idea of what to do, but you have to talk to people and even read and remember what they say to be able to progress.

At first I was frustrated, I was so used to the game keeping exact track of what I needed to do, where I needed to go, and the quest record telling me in detail.. where in TotK I sometimes needed to go talk to someone again just to remember what they said.

But I'm coming to appreciate it more.. I rarely feel like I have no idea what to do, and the quests are all simple enough that they can get away with that. They could have easily put in a system that was more like current open world games. Not sure if it's intentional but it's interesting.
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