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Old 05-08-2023, 02:18 PM   #805
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Originally Posted by Azure View Post
There are 100% people who are showing up with some clear cold symptoms and making everyone else sick, but at the same time it is getting tiring the people who constantly take days off because they feel 'muscle fatigue and it must be COVID.'

It sucks that this thing is going around and around, but at some point either you're sick, or you're not. If you're sick, stay home, if you're not, don't make it worse for everyone else by prolonging your supposed 'illness.'
I've spoken with multiple doctors about this, in reference to myself and my two year old child. They all say the same thing. You are likely only contagious during the initial stages, when symptoms are fevers, sore throat, fatigues, etc... By the time you are fever and fatigue free and blowing out loads of snot, you are likely no longer contagious.

When I get a cold, I'll have at least some minor symptom for probably about 10-14 days after I first notice it. I simply can't afford to take 2 weeks off work every time I get a cold, and the medical evidence doesn't support me doing so.
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