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Old 04-21-2023, 09:48 PM   #57
#1 Goaltender
Join Date: Jan 2012
Location: Ontario

Brian Lilley is woefully misinformed as to what is going on.

The facility he's talking about is Vista Cargo, but it doesn't matter which facility it is - trucks do not enter a secure area. They enter the public side of the facility. There are no fences or barriers preventing anyone from driving into the same area. There are fences on either side of the building to prevent access into the restricted area - but none preventing access to the loading bays.

Vista Cargo in particular has many different businesses inside it. Each tenant is responsible for their own security - controlling access to the restricted area outside the back doors. Most cargo facilities are bonded - they have a line inside their warehouse that people without clearance are not supposed to cross, although most don't have actual security to prevent this. CBSA inspects these warehouses often though, and if they see that happening, they will issue fines. In fact, CBSA has offices at Vista Cargo.

Cargo is brought by tenant employees with passes, from the restricted area, past that line, where it is then transferred to waiting trucks.

There's a whole lot of misdirection here. If, as the report says, Air Canada was the carrier (and I don't think they were), than it is very unlikely the cargo would have ended up at Vista Cargo. Air Canada has their own cargo facility on the other side of the facility. They're also a bonded warehouse with regular inspections by Customs. The vast majority of cargo they take - including from flights at Terminal 1 - originate from or end up in that facility, where they have a high-value room, and over 150 cameras inside the building, and enough outside to see the entire apron.
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