Thread: The A.I. Thread
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Old 04-04-2023, 08:48 AM   #212
First Line Centre
Join Date: Jul 2011

Originally Posted by Fuzz View Post
I'm using whatever the current one is here,

It says March 13th version.

I do wonder how big the challenge is, introducing ChatGPT to the WWW. Currently, I presume it is trained on data that can be considered trusted. Giving it access, to, well, everything means it sees misinformation, sarcasm, meme's etc. Is there an ability to rank sources? How does it decide which information is more valid? One risk of LLM's is the seem to present their answers with great confidence, even if they are wrong. You can ask "are you sure?" and it will change the answer, but may still get it wrong. If you can't trust it to get the you the correct answer, it loses a lot of value. Adding in all sorts of information that may be ambiguous could make the answers more likely to be wrong.
I figured (and also explains your rather vocal skepticism)

That's chatGPT based off GPT3.5, it's the same that's been around for nearly half a year, and what most refer to when they say AI is cool but it has issues (because well it does). What some like myself (and Wolfram as well when linking it to Wolfram Alpha) have been raving about is GPT4, which is only currently available with a paid subscription under chatGPT+. It's been so hot in demand that current users are limited to 25 messages per 3 hours, and new subscriptions has actually been postponed due to to high demand.

GPT4 is in another stratosphere compared to GPT3.5. It's hard to explain until you start using it, you notice fairly quick if you switch between both just how much more cohesive and precise it is. It's also a lot slower since it's incredibly taxing.

We are long past the funny AI seinfeld episodes here, and the joke verdict isn't representative of just how good it can be.

Several people have access to the browsing version of chatgpt in alpha (based off of GPT4)

Theoretically, Bing with GPT4 (as claimed) and access to the internet (which gives it a huge advantage) should be the strongest AI option right now, but Microsoft neutered its capabilities so hard in recent weeks it actually produces worst results then the previous Bing without GPT (see the Bing subreddit). It literally shuts the chat on you if you do anything outside of an actual web search question and will outright refuse to do any thinking or work for you.

What everyone is waiting for is the API for GPT4 and GPT4 with browsing capabilities. This offers a good comparison between 3.5 and 4 and why 4 is such a step up, and we haven't seen the full power of GPT4 yet in chatgpt+
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