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Old 03-31-2023, 10:12 AM   #36
Appealing my suspension
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Originally Posted by transplant99 View Post
IMO its one of the greatest catches ive ever seen because it was so....weird.

No look, facing the wrong way as was his glove.

Not sure how it even happened, and ive watched it a dozen times.
When you're turned the wrong way the tendency is to spin to try and get back on course so your head is looking the right way. But he drifts back and reaches out without turning his body or head. From having watched batting practices these guys do try no look type stuff shagging fly balls In batting practice quite frequently. So visually he did see the ball and had the timing to be able to reach out when he needed and grab it.

In reality he misread the ball off the bat and initially turned the wrong way forcing himself into a more difficult catch. But to his credit he recovered to make the play that most players would screw up after having gone the wrong way. Its s tough play to make if read right, but probably one that 75% of outfielders should make given where he started and ended and velocity plus launch angle.
"Some guys like old balls"
Patriots QB Tom Brady

Last edited by Sylvanfan; 03-31-2023 at 10:16 AM.
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