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Old 03-20-2023, 04:06 PM   #5048
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Join Date: Jun 2002

Moxley was a great sideman in the shield. He was good on the mic. They kept his matches simple, and they really didn't push him that hard in WWE. But he was good with connecting emotionally.

Once he went to AEW and was given free reign he plateaued really quickly. Steve Austin was considered the toughest SOB in the world because his work looked that good, and that impactful. Bret Hart same thing, Samoa Joe, his stuff makes him look as tough as a man can get.

With Moxley, his work just looks awful and make believe. And his need to blade every single match shows that he's lost the understanding of what connects him to the audience. And fans have become desensitized to it.

I would love to see Mox lose some kind of loser leave town match and just go away for a while. Either that or just state that he's a midcarder at best.

In the woman's division, its just terrible. The best worker there is really Toni Storm. Go back and watch her stuff in the Mae Young Classics she was unbelievable. Instead they saddle her with a dead horse like Saraya and a lower mid carder anywhere else in Ruby.

Get her out of that group and get the belt on her and give Hayter someone decent to work with.
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