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Old 03-17-2023, 01:21 PM   #40
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Originally Posted by GreenLantern2814 View Post
No, we’re not.

The US is a country where everyone is armed, or could be.

In Canada, there are very specific laws about how you can transport guns, where you use them, and how you need to store them securely.

If this is a legally-owned gun, the owner was obviously not following the law, and a tragically unbalanced child gained access to a weapon and killed two cops. If those procedures were followed correctly by the gun owner, those two men would be alive.

Tragedies are inevitable when you have 10M+ guns in a country.

But they don’t happen with nearly the frequency of the US because almost nobody who isn’t actively involved in organized crime has a gun on them.

Except when they’re at home, and have immediate access.

How officers approach residences on domestic calls should be reviewed, and I’m sure they will be.

Our ability as a nation to (generally) use these things responsibly should be held up as shining example to the world of effective gun control without outright prohibition.
I agree and hope you are right.

I'm with others here, interested in the 911 call. Order of events is important here. When was the call made, by who and what was said to the operator?

What happens now? Since the teenager is dead, there is no trail, what will come out in the investigation? Will we know?
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