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Old 03-17-2023, 11:17 AM   #233
Franchise Player
Join Date: Feb 2010

Originally Posted by Jason14h View Post
I don't think a single person has defended the action, just the motive and/or intent.

Did he think "I hate people in wheelchairs. I am going to destroy this wheelchair to express my hate and hope the person who is using this continues their suffering"


"Dude, what if we ride this wheelchair down the stairs. HAH man that would be funny. Nah man you'll get hurt, lets push it down it will be funny to see it go flying down the stairs "

I think (hope) everyone agreed with the fact that pushing anyone's wheelchair - Whether the bars or a patrons - Is completely ignorant, criminal (destruction of property), and idiotic. I didn't see any posts claiming otherwise.

However, pointing out that being a drunk, young, immature person who made an idiotic decision doesn't necessarily make him the seconds coming of Hitler isn't justifying the action.

There will rightfully be repercussions to his actions and hopefully this is a learning moment for him, assuming he isn't actually just a scumbag human. (Which he could easily be, I have no clue how he lives the rest of his life and what goes on in his head)
Wait, no idea? This guy has already managed to get kicked out of another University before this "Haha, #### your wheelchair" incident correct?
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