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Old 03-10-2023, 07:20 AM   #10460
Had an idea!
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Originally Posted by peter12 View Post
Sorry, Azure, this doesn't make any sense to me. What are the potential negative outcomes if Ukraine liberates its territory from the Russians? Is this some kind of convoluted European energy concern?
I personally don't care about European energy concerns. If Canada were smart we would be taking advantage of them right now as well.

My concern is the end game here.

Russia is going to keep sending thousands of their people into the meat grinder.

The US and the west is going to keep supplying resources, money and weapons for obvious reasons.

Despite this advantage to Ukraine, it is still resulting in entire cities being razed by Russia in their meat grinder, constant attacks on civilian centers (see the other day), etc.

Ukraine is thus going to ask for either weapons to properly drive Russia back (say F-16s or more air power & heavy long range artillery).

What happens then?

If you agree Putin is a madman, and the Russians are morally corrupt, what is going to stop them from using nuclear weapons? Right now they have zero problem targeting civilian buildings. We have evidence of mass graves going back to last year, evidence of rape. We know they are recruiting people from prison to join Wagner.

This doesn't end with someone in Putin's circle killing him, especially if you believe that he has a lot of support from his inner circle, and that they are as morally corrupt as he is.

On top of that, I don't for a second believe the US cares about Ukraine for any other reason than to destabilize Russia, carve out EU industry to make them more dependent on US resources, and further push NATO into Eastern Europe. Once they feel they have accomplished their goal, they will pull back, and the mandate & rhetoric will change. The most obvious issue being getting Sweden & Finland to join NATO, and getting Russia to deescalate in exchange for an agreement that Ukraine will not be joining NATO.

Once that happens, Ukraine will have to accept whatever terms imposed on them, including giving up territory if that is what the US decides.
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