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Old 03-08-2023, 12:46 PM   #1423
First Line Centre
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Join Date: Feb 2002
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Originally Posted by Fuzz View Post
It absolutely was not. Where do you get this idea from? And if as you day it was a foregone conclusion, how do you pin the heart issues on the vaccine and not the virus? Why does everyone speaking against the vaccine know multiple people who have diagnosed vaccine injuries, yet most normal people know no one? Do vaccine injuries only occur in people speaking against vaccines, or is it perhaps becuase you want to see something to prove a point, so you claim it?

As to the rest of it, my wife and I wear N95 masks to work, she rides the bus 3 times a week. No covid for either of us. We just got back from a 2 week vacation, wearing masks on planes, ferries and in stores. There is a choice, it's just that most people have made the riskier one.
I have no dog in this fight, but that kind of statement isn't cool. Maybe, and hear me out, it's the other way around. Maybe, just maybe, people speaking out against vaccines were adversely affected by the vaccine. Crazy, I know.

I'm all vaxxed up. Likely would do it again in retrospect, but I don't think it's a huge stretch to understand how there will be more caution should we have to go through that again. Oh and to add, I didn't really understand or agree with why individuals chose not to get vaccinated at the time. Probably used "stupid" as a descriptor. I wouldn't do that again in hindsight.

Last edited by Leeman4Gilmour; 03-08-2023 at 12:50 PM.
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