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Old 03-02-2023, 12:47 PM   #417
Had an idea!
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Originally Posted by opendoor View Post
The zealots on both sides were always weird, and they're the only ones still obsessed with it all. The vast majority of the population got vaccinated 2 or 3 times, significantly lessened their risk, and then moved on with their lives.

Vaccine mandates were emergency measures to allow reopening as much as possible without overwhelming hospitals, and they largely succeeded in that. The Federal ones were clearly kept too long (and I have no idea why the US still has their entry rules) and most people agreed even at the time that they should be removed once the emergency phase of the pandemic was over. Some employers have kept them around as moron filters, and they're probably effective in that regard even if they're useless for COVID-related things.

I do think the messaging by public health has been unhelpful at times, and European health authorities seemed to have a more balanced and realistic take on everything. For instance, there is really no basis for a healthy young person to keep getting boosters, whereas it's very important for older or at-risk people to regularly get vaccinated. I think other countries communicated that better than we did.

But the idea that we should all introspectively take stock in ourselves to fulfill some victim complex that antivaxxers have about themselves is laughable. No one cares.
Messaging by public health was unhelpful? That is what you want to call it?

It was a disaster in many ways. Not 'unhelpful.'

And the anti-vaxxers you seemingly care so little about, guess what? They are now going to be 20%+ of the population, not just 10%.

So all the parents that took the effort to keep up with childhood vaccines now have the secondary worry of their kids catching measles because of absolutely terrible policies.
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