Thread: Star Wars
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Old 03-02-2023, 11:07 AM   #2027
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Overall the episode felt like it was written by a bunch of 12-year old kids with ADHD.

We open with a flashback of the Mandalorian getting his first helmet and joining the creed, but wait! It's interrupted by a giant crocodile attack! It looks pretty grim for our Mandalorian friends and it looks like our main character is about to get eaten when suddenly in swoops the Mandalorian to save the day! I guess it wasn't a flashback after all so it was narratively pointless.

Then he re-iterates what we already know, that he has to go to Mandalore and take a bath in the mines water to be allowed back in to the creed. And Mandalore is all bombed and crystallized or something so it's dangerous to go there for reasons. So he decides that he needs to bring a droid along with him for no reason, but not just any droid, he will only accept the one that tried to kill Grogu many years ago. So he goes and re-activates that droid and it tries to kill Grogu. They are not able to fix him without a new memory chip which is very difficult to find.

So he sets out to find a new memory chip from somewhere? No, he doesn't, he just sets off to the Mandalorian system without the droid. But not before getting ambushed by cartoon-y space pirates (that even shout "avast!") -- uh-oh , they're in a target lock, how will he escape? He just flies away real fast, don't worry.

Now we are in the Mandalorian system, but not at Mandalore, he went to another place where Bo Katan sits and pouts on a random stone throne all day by herself cause her crew abandoned her. But I guess she knows how to get in to the mines on Mandalore, which is partly why we're here -- I'm guessing it's mostly to give a half-baked explanation on why she's written out the rest of the season.

This whole "on a quest to redeem myself in the mines of Mandalore" thing is just not very compelling, especially because the audience would see it as dumb and pointless. Hopefully it's not the focus of the whole season...
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