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Old 03-02-2023, 01:31 AM   #414
Powerplay Quarterback
Join Date: Dec 2013
Location: Calgary, Canada

Originally Posted by opendoor View Post
To put it bluntly, no one gives a **** that a group of people who were filling up hospitals at a rate about 10x the rate of the vaccinated population couldn't go to restaurants for a few months during the worst phase of the pandemic. I guess it would have been better to just keep those businesses closed even longer?

I think where we may be seeing a little bit of a shift with a lot of people might be on those people who are in the middle so to speak. Vaccinated, followed the rules as much as anybody, didn't fall into the trap of dangerous news, people who listened to mainstream media and health professionals.

I have noticed it with that group within my friends. People who may be a little more understanding of some of the unvaccinated people's concerns and in some ways, pointing out some of the obvious that is now very much true and mainstream.

Plenty of vaccinated people felt "safe" with mandates and attending packed arenas and were very vocal about an unvaccinated person having a patio coffee at a coffee shop. Different provinces had different rules for something as simple as that. It became very clear in spring/summer 2021 that vaccines were not stopping spread as much as we had hoped, even though they were excellent at reducing hospitalization and death. In Canada it took until June 2022 for us to get rid of the vaccine mandate for domestic flights.

There were plenty of people who may have missed important events such as funerals, deaths, weddings, birth's etc as a result. There was very little rationale or scientific background why in early June 2022 a double vaxxed and unvaxxed person, both wearing masks, had a different risk profile on a domestic flight.

I've had a 3 friends who have recently had medical appointments for themselves or a parent and some of the questions regarding vaccination from the medical professionals kind of threw them off a bit. A friend, who is a healthy male in his 30's had a total of 5 mixed shots. He has developed AFIB, probably NOT from the vaccine but his cardiologist (and family friend) notes he has seen an uptick of heart related issues in people who didn't normally present heart related issues. When questioned by the Dr why he had 5 shot's, it was "I was told to protect myself" but in hindsight he regrets taking 5 now.

A recent Canadian study indicates that vaccination during pregnancy helps protect newborns against Covid 8 weeks post birth. I think that's great and if I was married, I would have encouraged my wife to be vaxxed. When I saw that and I recall how many friends who's wives had children during Covid, there was a lot of concern about how MRNA shot's may affect the baby. There was a lot of assurances from medical professionals, specialists on tv etc that those concerns might be unfounded. If new born babies are being born with the benefits of the shots, does it mean they can also be affected by the side effects as well? That element was also downplayed.

You have been an excellent contributor here during this period given your background and I personally want to thank you, as I recall we had many discussions with me trying to understand certain things better.

I do think where we may be having a shift as I described above is also on the general public's lack of science skills, right or wrong. Thing's don't seem as tribal as they were a few years ago.
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