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Old 02-28-2023, 10:38 AM   #101
Franchise Player
Join Date: Dec 2013

Originally Posted by Senator Clay Davis View Post
There isn't even really "team" play involved in LIV. They are on "teams", but it's not like they are actually playing another team in anything. Maybe if every LIV weekend was one team played another in like three disciplines across three days (team best ball, match play, stroke play) it could be viewed more as a team thing, and would be more interesting and have potential to develop rivalries, but right now the team aspect doesn't really exist. I would say it might be fun if there were true "home fields", like if Bone Saw GC was hosting Repressive Rights GC and the fans were openly taunting RRGC players, that could make it fun.

I'm basically of the opinion LIV should lean into as much sideshow as possible, because if they intend on going direct as a virtually identical product against the PGA, I can't see myself ever caring. Drunk, belligerent fans? Hardcore on course gambling, drug use and drinking? Yeah, I might be down for that
For sure, that is why I commented that if done properly the team aspect could be really interesting. They could go a lot of different ways with introducing team play and formats, point accumulation, playoffs, player acquisitions, etc. The original one vs the field can still exist every week but side games and competitions could really set them apart from the PGA.
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