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Old 02-21-2023, 09:29 AM   #1770
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Its the one thing that changed with Star Trek. The original series was an ensemble cast. Yeah, Shatner certainly hogged the spot light. But you got individual relevant storylines with other characters where they were more then furniture.

I'd argue the same thing with DS9 where you felt that all the characters were important cogs in the machine.

With Generations, it went from a ensemble show, to the Picard and Data show, especially in the movies, and everyone else was background characters to the poochie(Picard and Data).

With Voyager it eventually became the Janeway, 7 of 9 show.

The worst was/is Discovery which is Michael and a bunch of bridge furniture.

SNW feels like an ensemble work, maybe that's due to the episodic nature of the show.

With Picard . . . . really . . . . its Picard. But Raffi's performance was cringe worthy.
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