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Old 02-16-2023, 09:19 AM   #271
Maritime Q-Scout
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Join Date: Jan 2004
Location: God's Country (aka Cape Breton Island)

Originally Posted by Yamer View Post
Not sure where else to post this. Two new specials out this week that may have flown under the radar for some people.

Marc Maron - From Bleak to Dark came out on HBO/Crave. I liked it a lot, but I would put it somewhere in the middle of the pack of his body of work.

Jim Jefferies - High n' Dry is out today on Netflix. Next to Bill Burr and Dave Chappelle, Jefferies is one of my faves still working. Haven't given it a go yet, but will sometime today when I have time.
I haven't watched Jefferies special yet, but I'm excited to. Perhaps this weekend. Need to find the time.

Might download it to my phone and listen to it when I'm driving. Which is something that I've worked into my longer drive routine.

I love his podcast I Don't Know About That. Which is also a weekly staple in my drives to and from work.

"Calgary Flames is the best team in all the land" - My Brainwashed Son
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