Thread: Hot Sauces
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Old 01-18-2023, 03:16 PM   #102
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Originally Posted by Blaster86 View Post
I think that a really good hot sauce that is super tasty can hide or amplify its heat as necessary. I have no proof or examples off the top of my head, but, I can go hard on some really high scolville sauces BUT I can't touch things like Da Bomb.
That just comes down to extract sauces vs natural pepper mash. Extracts will always cause way more pain than a regular pepper sauce, and usually they taste like crap because they only take the heat from the peppers, nothing else. The worse one I ever had was Mad Dog 357, which was on the early seasons of Hot Ones. After trying a healthy dose on some ribs it left me with stomach cramps for the rest of the afternoon, and the next morning was the worst case of "ring of fire" I've ever had. I can eat the hottest natural pepper sauces out there with no issue though
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