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Old 11-16-2022, 01:26 PM   #7767
Maritime Q-Scout
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Join Date: Jan 2004
Location: God's Country (aka Cape Breton Island)

Originally Posted by nfotiu View Post
I have to think there is a realistic chance of Trump running as independent if he loses the nomination to Desantis. I don't see any way of stopping him, and he could probably win enough states to keep anyone from getting 270 EC votes. Then that goes to the weird process where each state's delegation gets one vote and Senate picks the VP from one of the losing candidates. Foreseeably, Trump could have a shot at winning that.
Originally Posted by Maritime Q-Scout View Post
See I think the Dems would take Sates they wouldn't have a prayer in winning otherwise (eg: Texas) because the base that votes R regardless will still vote R. Trump with siphon voted from the GOP, and Dems come up the middle as they aren't losing any votes.
While it would be state by state, I started checking the 1948 election where the Dixiecrats carried several deep south states. One was with 32% or so.

Then I checked 2020 and not all states had 50%+1. Looks like it's a winner takes all, regardless of the winner having a majority of total votes.

Thus Trump would likely render GOP unelectable if he ran as an independent.

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