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Old 10-25-2022, 01:34 PM   #277
Powerplay Quarterback
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Join Date: Feb 2011
Location: AB


So I am looking to get back into skiing and I am gonna probably need new gear. I haven't had anything new since 1998/99 and haven't really been skiing not too much after that.

The reason I might get back into it is because I am thinking about taking the kids (7 & 9) out to give skiing/snowboarding a try this winter. Neither skate or play hockey so thought the slopes might be a good winter hobby.

With all that out of the way, is there a good place to go for new equipment? I don't really want to go to the sportcheks of the world, I want a proper fitting of new gear for myself. Also would Nakiska be good for my kids to take their first lessons? Would a place like Canyon (Red Deer is closer to me) work just as well? Iv'e been out of the game for so long I'm not sure where to start with everything.
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