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Old 09-12-2022, 12:23 PM   #76
Franchise Player
Join Date: Dec 2013

Originally Posted by Sliver View Post
lol, some of you are off your rocker. Like, my kids and their friends aren't bums. They'll order the dumbest, most overpriced drinks possible with the most syrup, sugar and whipped cream. You don't get free refills on those. They'll also order a huge stupid piece of overpriced cake or something as well. Then they'll stay a while, get hungry and thirsty again, and spend more.

I think you weirdos are confusing teenagers going to a coffee shop with the old men who sit in A&W and literally just order one seniors coffee and then get half a dozen free refills over the next two hours.

Coffee shops have to love regular customers. Aren't most businesses reliant on repeat customers?

And not liking teenagers? That's wild to me. They're the most fun age ever. I love being around them.
Your kids might go to the shop and blow $20 on coffee and dessert but will their friends? Or will they send a message to meet at X shop and suddenly there are 10 or 12 teens taking up three tables with only a few contributing to the business by purchasing something.
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