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Old 08-31-2022, 09:49 PM   #2521
Franchise Player
Join Date: Dec 2011

Originally Posted by Enoch Root View Post
I don't want to give you a hard time because I appreciate all your updates and info on the topic. But frankly, we've been hearing exactly this for more than a decade already. And we are further away now than we've ever been.
Disagree, the bones of a somewhat reasonable deal now exists (too generous for many, apparently not generous enough for others). As long as neither side demands seismic changes, it should come back together easily once external factors settle.

The good thing IMO is that this gives reasonable certainty to another prospective owner if Murray can't/won't get his #### together. The NHL wouldn't blink at pulling anchor from an overly obstinate city, but it would be counter-productive to their grift to allow an easy move from a city that came to the table in good faith. As much as I think the city is overplaying their hand with rushed votes and tripping over themselves to form a new committee, it should ensure a fair chance for new ownership content to remain in Calgary to step in before any move is contemplated.

And yes, there are probably several [probably but not necessarily Canadian] billionaires who would be fine with that arrangement, since TOR/MTL/VAN simply aren't possible.
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