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Old 08-26-2022, 05:02 PM   #1043
Lifetime Suspension
Join Date: Jul 2007

Originally Posted by Barnet Flame View Post
Growing up in Calgary, Alberta was so well led by the PCs. To think this rabble are even loosely the descendants of a statesman like Lougheed is depressing.

But it’s all around the world now - what the hell has happened to what used to be right of centre government?

If the Tories get back in here after the damage they’ve unleashed in this country, my wife and I have decided we’re moving to the Republic of Ireland. My wife is already looking at property in Carlingford and Omeath.
Interesting you say that. I was once what you'd consider a Conservative, and now.... I just can't align with these nut jobs. They simply cannot get anything right. Ever. It's almost as if the Conservatives are self sabotaging. From the outside it would not shock me in the least, if they are plants paid by the Liberals to be total morons. If that came to light, it would actually be believable some of them are so inept and out of touch.

However, I also cannot align with the left as there's just so many issues to deal with there. Namely the buffoon they call their leader, and the utter insanity of some of this 'Woke' ideology. As crazy as the Right has become, the Ultra Left is going equally as insane and living in a complete fantasy world with an equally frightening yet completely different vision of the future. Everything is such an exercise in extremism now. Nobody has the ability to debate, compromise or hear anyone else out. Both sides are equally to blame, and both sides are equally guilty.

My biggest fear is though is the state of affairs south of us. If Trump gets back in, I'm gonna do everything in my power to leave Canada, as I fear for our sovereignty should that happen. My wife is a dual Dutch/Canadian citizen, so I am working on learning Dutch so we can move to The Netherlands if or when things really start to unravel in North America.

I really hope this is just a bizarre phase in History that will be looked back on as a blip on the radar, but some of the Rabbit Holes are getting so deep, I fear we could be hitting a point of no return. Everyone just needs to learn to get along, stop dwelling on the past, hit the reset button and move forward, as one society.
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