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Old 08-06-2022, 12:00 AM   #1117
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Join Date: Jul 2015

Originally Posted by GGG View Post
Your bogged down in anthropic logic

Your logic only holds if there are 0 or 1 other intelligent species in the universe at this point. The math essentially points to 0 other or many other. As soon as you allow for life the experience of earth is one of endless variety

And when it comes to assessing technological capabilities we have literally no idea what these others would be like: Hence the only logical spot on the bell curve of intelligent life is the middle adjusted for duration in the universe.

If you are arguing rare earth is equally likely to life somewhere I think you could be making a reasonable argument one I disagree with but reasonable none the less.

But it sounds like you are suggesting life is out there but we are equally likely to be most advanced.

Even if you include rare earth the statement equally likely implies an absurd level of precision that does not exist.
Then show the math.

My statement wasn’t meant to be precise, but general. I’d assume that would be an obvious given that we’re talking about something nobody has any evidence of at all. I’m also, for that reason, talking in hypotheticals in some cases. I believe there is “probably” life out there. It could be a single plant on the planet Urbetiopocino 475. The post you responded to was specifically a response about “technology” and what is “possible.” I don’t see how you’ve presented a reasonable argument as to why it’s not possible that humans have the most advanced technology, period. Just that it’s unlikely, which… who cares? Alien life that would be intelligent by our standards is unlikely. Humanity itself is unlikely. A large portion of this thread includes things that are unlikely but theoretically possible. I find it completely hilarious that “it’s just as likely our technology is the best there is as it is that our technology pales in comparison to alien technology” gets your back up, and not because of the mention of alien technology which the only evidence we have is (none) and we’re going off the speculation that it might exist… maybe, but because it makes the superiority of human technology, which is the only real technology we know to exist and have mountains of evidence for… too likely. lol.

When you look at the history of evolution on Earth that led us to where we are today, there are a large number of unlikely (rare) or unique (non-repeating) events that made human life possible. But you seem to be saying that intelligence is inevitable, despite the fact that we don’t know that to be true about Earth, so it’s completely absurd to think it’s true of every other life-sustaining planet, if any actually exist, in whatever form life comes in on that planet.
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