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Old 08-01-2022, 01:53 PM   #966
Had an idea!
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OTTAWA — As the prime minister and his family kick off August with a two-week Costa Rica vacation, he leaves behind a July with more time spent in the air than he did during the entirety of last summer — including a 5,500 km flight to spend six hours at the Calgary Stampede.

Data collected from online flight tracker websites show Justin Trudeau spent all but 11 days of July aboard CANFORCE ONE, flying a total of 26,238 km across 20 flights, all within Canada.

That’s compared to 26,059 km flown between June 1 and Aug. 31, 2021 — including last summer’s G7 summit in the U.K., as well as the June 13-15 NATO summit in Belgium.

Not sure if good / bad, but Trudeau sucks so pile on folks. I guess he has to get them photo ops in during the non-election campaign while his rating goes to ####.

Good thing private jets run on elephant farts.
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