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Old 07-28-2022, 09:51 AM   #1
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Icon46 Vancouver is No Good 3

Brandon Sutter continues to suffer with long Covid, unable to do anything strenuous.

“Basically, I’ve been left with a lot of different things,” said Sutter. “With my lungs and my breathing and any exertion, I just can’t do it. I stop and feel like I have to cough something out and just feel like I can’t get oxygen into my body.
“I still can’t do any cardio. I tried working out again in March and April to kind of get going again. But I’d have a really bad day and it would just crush me — I just couldn’t do it — because of a lack of oxygen and just depleting myself. The lingering effect is an inability to breathe normally and properly.

“I was also having gastrointestinal issues, but I’m 100 per cent better than I was a year ago. But I still can’t train or work out. When I take it easier, I’m OK. When I do too much, it just crushes me.”
Sounds like he is taking Ivermectin...

Microscopic clots can also restrict blood flow in the lungs and impair oxygen exchange, and the only supplement that Sutter continues to take is the controversial and polarizing Ivermectin that isn’t recommended by Health Canada to prevent or treat COVID. It’s used to de-worm farm animals and mainly cattle, but in the human form, it’s prescribed for parasites and worms.

“Canadian doctors are not allowed to prescribe it for COVID and I had to get it myself, but it helps remove the COVID spike protein,” added Sutter. “It works. And in the U.S., it’s everywhere and it’s helping a lot of people and there is zero risk.

“It either helps you or it doesn’t, but 100 per cent it won’t hurt you. I can’t speak for others, but it has helped me.”
Dr. Brian Conway, president and medical director of the Vancouver Infectious Diseases Centre, responded to Sutter’s claims with caution and concern.

“This is a toxic medication that has absolutely no place in the treatment of COVID-19,” he said. “My biggest concern is this is an issue that was studied early in the pandemic and it physically doesn’t work against COVID. A disease like long-COVID can improve over time, but people will sometimes want things to get better and it’s the placebo effect of you really wanting it to work.

“We all want Brandon Sutter to get completely better, and waiting for things to get better on their own would be difficult. But Ivermectin has been studied and discredited.”
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