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Old 04-07-2007, 12:20 PM   #31
#1 Goaltender
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- I take possession of a house on May 31st and will be moving out of my tiny apartment. I currently have no place to put a 50 inch TV, so right now I'm just browsing. I'll be putting the TV in the entertainment room, which is in the finished basement where the lighting is dim.

Now, one of my projects for the next month is to convert all my hockey games (Wings series, Stars series, Ducks series) from VHS to DVD so I can junk all the tapes rather than move them so I purchased a DVD recorder at Future Shop this morning. While I was there I was perusing what they had to offer. I started checking out the 50 inch Panasonic plasma they have on sale:

Well, buddy sees I'm interested so he comes rushing over to tell me that it's $500 off plus they are throwing in the $500 stand (as it says in the ad). I don't really want the stand as I was hoping to wall mount it and he's all "but the stand is free, so take it and throw it in a closet somewhere, so whenever you want to sell the next owner can have the stand". I ask if I can get a free wall mount instead of the stand - the wall mount is cheaper. He tells me that they can't do that. Then he starts telling me that I have to buy it today because he only has one left and they are not going to be selling this model anymore so it's no good to get a raincheque and that if I don't take it right now, it's going to be gone quickly because it's such a good deal. Nothing is more of a put-off to me than a pushy salesman, so I was outta there.

So with all that setting and mostly useless information:
(1) Can Future Shop salesman change the deal so I get the wall mount instead of the stand? Or was he just being difficult?
(2) Can I buy something now and ask for it to be delivered in June? I guess, worst case scenario I could leave it at a friends place for 2 months.
(3) And I guess most importantly, that I'm not sure about that "not selling this model anymore". I'm concerned that if Future Shop is dropping this model, there is something wrong with it? Or maybe the guy made that up to force the sale?
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