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Old 07-07-2022, 11:13 AM   #2074
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Originally Posted by White Out 403 View Post
Peterson has fallen off a cliff, and to make things worse, he's joined the daily wire and is obviously saying bat#### things to create controversy and sell more subscriptions. There's absolutely no disputing the fact that all this is perfectly timed for him joining the daily wire. The whole point of the daily wire and Ben Shapiro is to create a schism and then profit off of it. They're convincing people the mainstream media is evil so they can fill in the void and sell their "news".

Ben Shapiro has literally called for the bifurcation of the states, it's completely self-serving.
Based on my social media feeds, people who want to see daily updates about the liberal media silencing people are a minority but a very devoted one. I'm not really sure they need to create a schism, they just need to profit off what's already there.
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