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Old 06-29-2022, 10:20 AM   #542
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Originally Posted by Hack&Lube View Post
Mainly, I liked the more realistic feeling of the subdued force powers in the OT. Yes you could do a big jump flip to get out of a tight situation but it wasn't a bunch of Cirque du Soleil fighting which is what the prequels looked like.

You just know its not correct by instinct, just like when you see a lot of CG compared to filming real things in lens.

The Jedi at the their prime should have been more like master swordsmen and we'd get some really intense fights and methodical dueling strategy (see the Duellists 1977) but mostly what we saw was twirling and flipping around. Obi Wan ep 6 got the sword play right but I thought lifting hordes of rocks behind him like god-powers was silly.

Ok you know what I won't stand for people disparaging the duel of Obi-Wan and Anakin in Revenge of the Sith anymore. I loved the scene and the music was perfection.

This is me not standing for it anymore.
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