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Old 06-11-2022, 07:57 PM   #3102
Franchise Player
Join Date: Dec 2011

Originally Posted by The Cobra View Post
How about McKinnon for 1year at $6.3M and then lose home as a UFA?

With current contracts being at issue , Makar becomes quite an attractive choice.
We're probably 5-6 weeks away from knowing MacKinnon's extension contract. For this absolute top tier of player it's pretty much a no-brainer to fill in the blank cheque a full year early as your value has no where to go but down.

If you desperately wanted to change cities you don't have to take the risk of waiting a year to do it as a UFA - tell the team you're not re-signing/demand a trade (same thing really).

Tougher to value are 2-3 years remaining, though in each of these cases it probably has as much to do with the teams as the players:

Aho - went to an offer sheet at the first opportunity after 365 days where CAR could have extended him...

Matthews - he didn't leave a penny on the table last time and he could be the most legit threat to seek a max deal given his age

Draisaitl - I expect McDavid will be long gone by then, but either way it's a weird nut to crack. In a vaccuum you'd love him for 3 years at that number and then pay whatever, but it's a bit harder to disentangle him from that dumpster-fire.
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