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Old 06-09-2022, 11:36 AM   #1952
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Originally Posted by foshizzle11 View Post
It isn't just because of the tough look, those other traits people like. To be honest, how many pure bred pitbulls have you seen in Alberta? Most of them are mixed breeds with a bully breed in them.

I rarely see a true pure bred pitbull here in Calgary. People aren't breeding them all over the place, that is what I don't get (I just googled and found 1 breeder in Calgary, who has 1 female that can have a litter a year, so maybe 5 to 10 pups). They are likely mostly dogs from rescues who are bringing dogs in from the US who aren't trained from a young age, etc. Who already have issues that are hard to deal with. This is what should stop, don't bring in more and more dogs from other countries with behaviour issues. This would probably help remove a lot of those dogs that aren't trained or socialized that cause issues for people. Americans and other countries with high crime rates get dogs like pitbulls for protection, they are chained in the backyard and never socialized and are bred to kill. Then us nice Canadians don't think any dogs should be euthanized so we try to save them, which isn't ideal, but for sure happens.

I also forgot to mention that most attacks are from unaltered adult dogs. 97% of fatal dog attacks on humans are from unaltered adult dogs, this is based off info from the US CDC. Neuter/spay your dogs people!

I posted a link a few pages back and pitbulls are not even close to the main culprit of deadly attacks in Canada. 1 to 3 deaths annually for the last 50 years in Canada from dogs killing people and majority are dog sled dogs/malmutes/huskies.

I 100% do not support breeding pitbulls. There are enough mixed breeds out there that need help, and a lot of them are mixed with pitbulls. Have you driven through a Native reserve lately? Have you seen the 10s of 100s of dogs running around loose in packs? This is a big problem in Canada, this is where a lot of dogs in rescues come from or puppy mills.

Can't fix stupid.
I honestly don't disagree with a lot of what you are saying. I take no issue with people being compassionate to existing dogs. The fact of the matter is that people are breeding more pit bull type dogs. It's still legal, and I just don't get why.

The debate with Pit Bulls always also seems to come down to people not training them well enough to not be about just having dogs that don't have such aggressive instincts in the first place. How many Golden Retriever caused deaths are there?

Stating that Canada has bigger problems with strays doesn't really alter the debate. That's like stating more people die in motor vehicle collision, so let's let everyone own assault rifles.
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