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Old 06-06-2022, 08:44 AM   #1854
First Line Centre
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Join Date: Feb 2002
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Originally Posted by Royle9 View Post
Do not cook to time, you have to cook to temperature/tenderness with Brisket.

I've had 11-15lb briskets take 7-8 hours and I've had some take 12+ hours.
So many variables w/ heat etc that its always best to stick to your temperature and use your probes accordingly.

I usually go 225/250 for a slower brisket or 300 for a "hot and fast"

Wrap @ 170 and then let it go the rest of the way, it will stall/hold during this time but leave it be until somewhere from 205-210 depending on your liking.

Let it rest for 2 hours + (I never let it dip below 150 after resting)

Took me a few times to get this figured out on my smoker, but since then I've nailed just about every one.
I've only tried brisket once and it didn't work out well at all. I had to pull it way too early in order to get supper on the table at a reasonable time. How do you plan dinner (especially a big crowd) when cook times can vary by up to 4 hours? Do you have to cook one day and serve the next?
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