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Old 05-18-2022, 09:12 AM   #21
Franchise Player
Join Date: Feb 2009

What ends up happening if you don’t sell at market value is that there is a chance for the buyer to flip them at a significant profit. That is what I’m seeing for my seats for Game 1. Sold them through Fansfirst. I got 725ish/Pair (660ish after their fees). I now see them listed there for $1000/Pair as the person who bought them is flipping them. I don’t know if they end up selling at that price (they probably don’t).

Obviously selling through Calgarypuck is very different and I would expect most buyers if not all, not buying for the sake of flipping the tickets. Usually when I drop my prices the first place I do so is here. It is also the only place I usually sell my tickets for below my cost during the regular season.
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