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Old 05-12-2022, 07:57 PM   #3566
First Line Centre
Join Date: Dec 2017

Originally Posted by Northendzone View Post
looked att he home outdoor temp this moring and it said it was 0 at 6.30. Put on the toe warmers, thicker gloves and ear covering and about 10minutes in i wish i did not have them on as with the sun it seemed warmer.

This morning i also lugged my 10 pound bike lock to work in addition to my usual clothes and laptop. it was a real relief to take off the back pack.

would be a real treat to have some helpful wind on the way home.

it's always a balance this time of year between being too warm or too cold... both inbound and outbound of work. Cos sometimes you'd rather wear something than try to stuff even more into your backpack. Thankfully a bike parking spot that allows you to leave your lock makes a huge difference... plus leaving shoes and sometimes other gear at work can lessen the load.
That southerly to SE wind today sure was a strong one. Hope it was in your favour? Always good to check wind direction before leaving and have a few favourable optional routes. Even with that strong tailwind today I passed some people who seemed to be struggling along at 15kph... meanwhile I was more than double that... (safely, or course, and only in wide open sections).
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