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Old 04-08-2022, 02:55 PM   #740
Crash and Bang Winger
Join Date: Feb 2007

Originally Posted by EldrickOnIce View Post
Not sure if or how many Lee Child novels you've read, but the source material is, well, simple. I've either read or listened to every one, and when the best line is 'Reacher said nothing' that probably says enough. Very few changes were made from the novel to screenplay, as I understand (and recall) - except to bring it a bit from '95 to '22.
I expect more of the same for future season(s). Which is great, as far as I'm concerned. It is what it is.
I like Lee Child books but I am absolutely driven crazy in both the book and the tv show with Jack arriving in a two bit tiny town and finding his brother he hasn’t seen in several years dead in a ditch. And he is there because he wants to see the town where a random Jazz musician was born. It’s just too much of a stretch, bothered me the whole time I read the book. I was rooting for them to stay true to the book but change that. Even a message to Jack that he was going to be in the state or something would have been more plausible.
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