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Old 02-16-2022, 01:08 PM   #79
First Line Centre
Join Date: Nov 2017

Originally Posted by Sliver View Post
Interesting. I see Tony Robbins as a snake oil salesman bilking rubes out of their hard-earned money.
I find greatness inspiring. This is most often observable in people that excel at their craft.

I don't even have to appreciate what the person is doing, but as long as they're great at it, I'll get some inspiration out of it. You may not appreciate the motivational message, but it's hard to deny that Tony Robbins is an incredibly engaging speaker. I wouldn't say I find him inspiring for what he says, but I am inspired by what he does and the way he does it.

On the flip side, I loathe people that there are in over their heads, or basically bad at what they do. I do not subscribe to 'fake it 'til you make it' mantra. And I'm not talking about someone that's learning to golf, or a junior employee, but I can't stand if someone is in a position of consequence and they either don't put in the appropriate effort or are just plain bad at the task at hand. This always strikes me as "snake oil salesmen" of life.

Piggybacking on your example, there are plenty of people out there that aren't great speakers, or even great at something to the point of being inspiring... and I'm perfectly fine with that. Where it bothers me - the point of consequence - is when they decide to charge money and take people's time, for something less than it should be. To me, that's a grift and there are plenty of those people out there.
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