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Old 02-16-2022, 10:17 AM   #1204
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Join Date: Oct 2003

Originally Posted by nfotiu View Post
12-13 was about the age where I kind of gave up. My kids self censor themselves a bit for things they are uncomfortable with. Maybe I'm a crappy, lazy dad, but they have too many devices and ways around to effectively monitor them anyway. It seems the kids with parents strict about those kind of things are doing way worse stuff than mine are, so who knows!
I'm a pretty similar parent so you're not alone. I haven't entirely given up so I still check in on what they're watching. I've watched a lot of stuff (probably too much) so I prefer to be able to talk to them about what they've watched, rather than stopping them from watching altogether.

My boys have a pretty good grasp on what's real and what's fantasy. The violence they've seen is typically unrealistic and they can disassociate themselves from it. Funny enough, my one son doesn't like war movies (like Saving Private Ryan) because he says they depict things that really happened.

Probably a conversation for another thread, but the sex they see on TV and movies is likely a bigger issue. I'm not a prude by any means but I think unrealistic expectations about sex and those relationships will have a bigger impact on their development and need to be a conversation you have with your kids.
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