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Old 01-21-2022, 12:03 PM   #46

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Interesting. MLSNP will have all Team clubs through 2022 and 2023, but will also include independent clubs not associated with MLS (e.g. Rochester is an independent club in 2022, with more to come the year after).

It's hard to say where CPL will place among this structure, but I can see it eventually being worked into a 3rd or 4th tier of structure in a promotion/relegation system if there is a relationship to be had where that is desired.

Having said that, I'd rather CPL remain independent (for now) and have a promotion/relegation system for Canadian teams only. The purpose is to provide a vehicle for young Canadian talent to develop from amateur to professional soccer, as well as provide a league platform for developing players from more premier teams (e.g. what Karifa Yao was with Montreal loaning him out). It can also be a place for older players to recapture their game (e.g. Joe Mason).

If MLSNP is successful, I don't see why any CPL clubs couldn't become independent members of that league if looking for a larger professional presence, or at least get matches against them in some sort of Cup or tournament.

That's at least what I would like to see.
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