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Old 01-19-2022, 08:51 PM   #331
First Line Centre
Join Date: Jul 2015
Location: Calgary

To me, protesting outside someone's home makes you as much of a jerk as protesting at a hospital. Want to protest in front of a government office, business, busy street? Go for it. All people, regardless of their job, should be allowed peaceful enjoyment of their home, without someone standing on the sidewalk, calling them an idiot.

I want good people to run for office and if protestors can hang out at their homes, the only ones who run will end up being people like Jason Kenney, who are looking for a fight.

I want the politicians who are elected to have some breathing space at home where they can "turn off" the job for a bit, so they can be refreshed. Having protestors outside your house doesn't allow that.

Many politicians live with others. Those people should not be subjected to the harassment or fear of protestors in front of their house, just because their parent, spouse, sibling, child, whatever, is a politician.

And finally, if a vacuum cleaner salesman ever show up at my door, I can tell him to leave and close the door. The protestors I've seen don't come across as quite so cooperative.
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