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Old 01-10-2022, 01:15 PM   #4463
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Originally Posted by Bill Bumface View Post
Anyone else getting attic rain with the big temperature swing? I've seen it in a single spot (small wet spot on the ceiling) every few years when we have weather like this, and wonder how worthwhile it is to do anything.
Notwithstanding major issues like we've seen in this thread (ie fans venting into the attic), when the temps get this cold, unless you've got a perfectly sealed house, you'll end up with some moisture up there when its this cold for this long. Its a building envelope issue.

I've got 2 power exhaust fans in the attic and good soffits and still get some condensation buildup on exposed screws, etc, on the crazy cold snaps. Its a building envelope issue, and while most new houses are well sealed, most older homes aren't (renos, new lighting, thinner vapor barriers, new fans installed, etc etc). All small gaps that will allow some transfer of warm/moist air.

Not ideal, so really comes down to mitigating it so you don't have any moisture damage (which sounds like you might be seeing) and the attic can dry itself out asap when the thaw happens so you don't have damage or mold issues.

Its best to assess the issue during the cold snap, then you can see the problem areas and potential sources of moisture. I'd still look up there to see what you can see and assess airflow situation as well (any vents, soffits clear, etc).
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