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Old 12-17-2021, 12:52 PM   #73
Powerplay Quarterback
Join Date: Jan 2010
Location: Burnaby

The books always has a ton of time devoted to relationships and romance. Not sure which books you were reading that didn’t have them. Rand was in a love square, Nynaeve and Lan and Moiraine, the never ending Faile and Perrin stuff. Gawyn and Egwene. Mat and Tuon. Berelain stalking the various Ta’veran. And nearly all the main characters were teens or young adults and super attractive. Maybe you just skipped past all of that, but that’s like thousands of pages of Jordans writing devoted to it. Like you that is not my favorite part of the series but it’s big.

They have definitely taken an approach to look to not make it look grungy at all. I wish Ajah were more subtle in their dress and that Rand didn’t have that one sweater. But I think they’ve deliberately made their show look bright and colourful and not dark and brown and grey. The quality of everything like I said above is good, but the scale needs help. Whether that’s a matter of budget or poor production I don’t know though. Just if there was day 4-5 more cgi scenes that blended into the physical sets that would have made the sets feel bigger.
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