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Old 12-08-2021, 03:34 PM   #4
Franchise Player
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Originally Posted by CaptainCrunch View Post
I'll try it, it probably does work, I would love it if you could book mark last songs played in each library.

But smart idea on your part, I never thought of that.
Yeah, it wouldn't be a true "bookmark" and I think if you went into Spotify and played stuff on a different device, that spot would be lost and it would basically resume there instead.

For the white noise, can you program one into Google home? I'm not sure about Google home because I personally use Echo (Amazon Alexa). However, there's hundreds of "skills" like white noise that you can download via the Alexa app. For my kids, I use combinations of car ride/white noise/pink noise/lullaby sounds etc. regularly for their sleep. You can program a duration (I think default is 30 minutes), or just having it on infinite loop by using the command "loop" when the skill is being used. I looked it up in the Alexa app. There is a skill called Fireplace Sounds by Sleep Jar. It seems you can do this with an Echo. I did a quick search that said just to tell Google Home to play a fireplace sound.

I do agree to a certain extent that on occasion, there are some limitations on using the smart hubs. However, I've also learned there's some really obscure commands out there that are exactly what I am looking for.

Case in point, whisper mode in the Alexa ecosystem. I can whisper to the unit to stop and it will work and respond with a super low volume. Great if my child is sleeping rather than a booming, "OK!" that wakes up the child.
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