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Old 12-02-2021, 06:29 PM   #493
Enoch Root
Franchise Player
Join Date: May 2012

Originally Posted by PepsiFree View Post
Reading this thread, one thing I can't get out of my head is that most of this stuff just seems to fail on conventional logic. Like we're taking something unlikely (aliens, or even advanced military technology) and applying even more unlikely scenarios to it to make it possible.

If it were aliens, let's say. We have to believe that:
1. They've smart enough to develop these things
2. They're smart enough to travel here
3. They know enough about us, our technology, our vision, etc, to avoid being discovered
4. They're smart enough not to be discovered

Great, but we also have to recognize:
1. They're not smart enough to be entirely undiscovered/unseen OR
2. They don't care if they're discovered

If it's 1: that seems to defy logic. You have the technology to do all this, but don't have technology to avoid being discovered, doesn't make sense.

If it's 2: then why aren't they more obvious, doesn't make sense

It just fails common sense. They either understand the value of being undiscovered and, despite this advanced technology, can't fully achieve that. Or they don't care, and somehow have mostly avoided it for no other reason than luck. This rings true for both aliens and advanced human tech.

It just seems like people want to believe in something magical. Which is fine, too. But it's most likely just trick of the light, or something. One of the 100 more likely explanations.
Thank you.

Just discovered this thread, so I apologize for the tardy response, but I felt I had to jump in and comment.

First off, let me say that I am all for aliens! I mean, discovering that there are alien beings would be the coolest thing ever! - or at least the coolest thing since getting my first car. And while I may be naive and optimistic, I believe the discovery would unite humanity, in an 'us against the universe' kind of way. So, hell yes, I want to believe! I really want there to be aliens!

But the entire enterprise (to date) has been a giant farce and a complete failure of logic. None of it makes any kind of sense whatsoever.

So you're this advanced species living on your homeworld in the gamma quadrant somewhere, and you have the technology to travel across the galaxy, why would you? Why would you take the time to invent the technology, build the ships, and then get in them and travel mind-numbing distances, in hopes of finding other inhabited planets out there?

I think the two most obvious and powerful reasons are: to eat them, or to meet them.

The first one is probably better labeled as predatory: either you are searching for food, or for resources. But either way, if that were their intent, we would already know (and likely be extinct). So we can unequivocally rule that one out.

The second one is maybe best described as 'curious', i.e. they are out to discover if there are other intelligent life forms out there. Okay, so why not say hello? Long way to come, just to creep on us a bit.

Well, you say, maybe they don't want to disturb us or frighten us. Maybe they think we're not ready. You know, the whole 'prime directive' thing. Okay, since that is the only plausible explanation for their behavior, let's expand on that.

1) they have the technology to fly across the galaxy (or at least significant chunks of it). Okay, so they build these tiny little ships (roughly the size of a weather balloon, which seems oddly inefficient to me, but whatever) to travel for lightyears, simply to buzz around on our planet and not actually do anything, or even introduce themselves.

2) they do this in secret (we have covered why). But it turns out that they aren't particularly good at keeping the secret, which seems odd to me, given their ability to fly across the galaxy in little ships that are smaller than your living room. I mean they're pretty good, in that they tend to only got spotted by people who make crappy witnesses (for the most part), and by people who either don't have a camera, or have a camera that appears to be as effective as a potato. Pretty good, but far from perfect.

3) they keep doing this for decades. Think about this. The current narrative is that this has been going on since Roswell, about 70 years ago. And many people believe that it may have been going on for thousands of years! So again, I say, these creatures build these little ships, fly all the way over here, and don't introduce themselves but instead, buzz around us in secret. (Some people think maybe they helped ancient peoples build some cool buildings, but nothing lately - an unfortunate change of plans, there). And they keep on doing it. For decades, or possibly even millennia.


To observe us, you say. I say we aren't that interesting. Certainly not interesting enough for them to come all this way, just so they could spend decades taking a few pics and maybe messing with the occasional confused bystander.

Doesn't add up. I mean, if they're waiting until we're ready, why not leave and come back a long time from now? (because we clearly aren't ready yet)

And then there is the human side of the equation. Why is the government covering it up? Who does this serve? How have there been no leaks over the course of decades? And why are almost all the sightings in and around the US? Do the aliens have a thing for Americans? If the US government is trying to cover the whole thing up, why not buzz some other countries? Have you been to the south of France or the Spanish coast? If they came here to meet girls, maybe check out Prague. Or Moscow.

It seems to me that if they don't want to be known, that they, the aliens, would be able to execute on that strategy. And more importantly, if they failed, there is no way it could be kept secret. Certainly not multiple episodes, spanning decades! But the government is keeping it secret, you say. Basically, we are supposed to believe that the government is better at keeping the secret than the aliens are! The government! Donald Trump was elected President of that government. Ted Cruz is an active, high ranking member of it. They are keeping it a secret! And they're (mostly) succeeding. That might be the most preposterous claim of all!

None of it adds up. None of it. But goddamn it would be cool if it were true!
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