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Old 11-15-2021, 05:43 PM   #257
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Originally Posted by OptimalTates View Post
You said he was unarmed and then when I said he had a knife you said, and I quote, "That was not confirmed in any shape or fashion.". But both the person who shot, the person who got shot and the video showed the knife. So yes, there was confirmation. What else do you need?
There was no conclusive evidence that Blake had a knife on him outside of the vehicle. NONE. You have a blob-squatch screen capture that YOU have interpreted as a knife (just like Mel did). It could have been anything including his cellphone. Again, of seven officers on the scene, not one will backup what the one who called for a knife. NOT ONE.

You said she was a compulsive liar looking to extort her ex-partner for money. Yet he was unemployed and she was paying for his vehicle. Please back up the statement that she is a liar and that she was looking to extort him.
Except for the claim of sexual assault, which she completely backed away from when it came to take the complaint to the charge level.

Which he pled not guilty, and was later exonerated of the charge when it was dropped. The only thing that stuck was disorderly conduct, because this is the only thing his ex's aunt would back up.

Raping someone you have moved on from?
You keep using that term like Blake was convicted of the charge. He WAS NOT. He was cleared of all charged relating to sexual assault. He was CLEARED.

Paying for a vehicle for someone that your trying to get money from is sort of the opposite of what I would expect.
Paying for the vehicle? Torn right from the pages of The Rebel. Sure you're not MelBridgeman.

BTW, the claim in that story that Blake had taken money out his ex's account was yet another fabrication (lie) perpetrated by his ex in an attempt to corner Blake. The police were able to trace this back and discover who took the money out. The one with the trouble with the truth.

I guess personal insults when you can't substantiate the claims?
It ain't a personal insult, it's just who you are. You're repeating the exact same stuff you did when this went down, and the sources are obvious. So stop with the little act, you get your stuff from extreme RW propaganda sources and try and pass them off as facts, when they are nothing more than urban legends circulated around the right wing blogosphere.

News flash. Women will make accusations of violence or sexual assault against their ex-partners to abuse them or leverage things out of them, like money, possessions, custody of children, alimony, etc. This happens a to to police officers, because as soon as one of those accusations is made, the officer is on the shelf until cleared. And because it is almost always he-said-she-said, the officer gets screwed and has to resign because of potential negative outcomes to the department. The same thing happens in other relationships as well.

Now keep in mind she did not even recant her story, she simply failed to talk to investigators. She would be going against statistics if she did proceed and add on the international attention it's not a surprise she went into hiding.
She wouldn't support her own claims. No one would. Hence them falling apart and Blake being acquitted. He's a scumbag deadbeat dad, but he isn't half of what you label him. Conversely, his ex is not a saint, and was proven to be a less than reliable witness to her own allegations. She got caught in lie after lie.

I have a feeling your part of that MGTOW and believe that all women are liars out to get men. There is zero evidence to support your claim that she is a compulsive liar. Zero.
Oh Mel, don't project your incell feelings on me. I take people at face value and try to wait for the facts to come out. Working in law enforcement for almost 12 years made me very aware of the games people play and how people with axes to grind will try and use the law and law enforcement to their advantage. I look at the behaviors of people and can quickly see the archetypes that make up almost every DR. When it comes to family violence there are types as well. Most of the women are believable and deserve protection. Then there are those that gin up stories to try and screw their ex. Blake and his ex are definitely one of those situations. Again, she couldn't even get her live-in aunt to back up any of the accusations. You don't think she would spill her guts to her aunt the minute something like a sexual assault took place? Yeah, these are the behaviors you look for in these he-said-she-said cases. Neither of these people are saints, and Blake's ex definitely tried to pay the system to trap him into coughing up something of value.
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