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Old 11-08-2021, 02:16 PM   #3202
First Line Centre
Join Date: Jul 2011

Originally Posted by opendoor View Post
Shocking that a President that basically no one was enthusiastic about sees his approval rating drop once the shine of being not-Trump wears off a bit.

That said, it seems a bit odd to conflate the approval rating in a single USA Today poll with historical Gallup ratings. Why not use Biden's 48% approval from Ipsos or his 48% from CNN last week? Even Republican-leaning Rasmussun has Biden at 44%. In aggregate polling, his drop hasn't been quite so dramatic, starting at ~53-54% and now dropping to ~43%.
I understand the USA's poll is different than Gallup, I never stated they were the same.

CNN's poll just came out and reported on literally an hour ago.

Gallup was the one used traditionally quoted on CP to show how poor Trump's approval ratings were. Not sure why it's not ok to use now, simply because another poll or two show Biden higher? You had no issues with it prior when Trump was involved.

This aggregate poll report was presented prior as well to show how poor Trump did throughout, Biden is still at only 42.8% right now. Ipsos and CNN are seen as poorer polls (and this doesn't have Gallup's most recent numbers either).

Use whatever poll you want to cherry pick to fit whatever narrative you wish, Biden's numbers are rather poor no matter method you use, and very similar to Trump's a year into his term. There's no need to sugarcoat his fall, what matters is fixing it for Democrats.

Last edited by Firebot; 11-08-2021 at 02:19 PM.
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