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Old 10-15-2021, 11:12 PM   #6369
#1 Goaltender
Join Date: Mar 2008

Originally Posted by Mr.Coffee View Post
That’s true. Alberta should still introduce a PST and start to save / invest the royalty income though.
Or they should just tax corporations at appropriately, benchmarking across North American, Alberta undercharges by like 4 points.

And for personal taxes maybe it would be better if we just charged them at time of income, instead of gift wrapping a huge structural advantage to those with the resources to hold savings, and garner returns from passive investments, then wondering why economic mobility is a problem.

And if our concern is not capturing tax income from tourists, maybe we could just charge hospitality taxes on hotels / attractions.

There are a bunch of solutions that exist that aren't temporally regressive, like sales taxes. (Rebate programs are a problem too, because often they way they functionally work out is the government or the business are holding money destined for people who are carrying high interest debt waiting for that money to be returned, adding fuel to the problem as the interest payments while waiting for the rebate outstrip the rebate itself).
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