Thread: Star Wars
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Old 09-03-2021, 01:54 PM   #1182
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I just finished the Legacy of the Force series where Jacen Solo becomes a Sith Lord. Its far better then I remember. Probably one of the best series in my mind. I mean the Thrawn series was good though badly dated. The Kilik nest was weird. And the whole Vong war series was at times a confusing slog to get through.

But even with this series being 9 books, they really did do a good job of keeping the story lines straight. The characters were the most part really well written, especially Lumiya and Alema Rar (Her death was really actually sad) The fall of Jacen Solo started with the noblest of intentions, ending war and bringing peace to the Galaxy. Swearing he'd never fall into the trap of the Dark Side. But in the end, he fell into every trap and became far worse then his Grandfather.

There was some plot armor, but every character really did experience crushing tragedy and heart break, and they weren't afraid to kill off Mara Jade, and there was no redemption for Jaden (Darth Caedus).

I would encourage anyone that was disappointed in the sequel trilogy but still in love with the idea of Star Wars. these books were just a far better sequel trilogy.

Oh and its the first series where there were no real overwhelming force powers, and in fact because of Caedus power, the Jedi didn't really rely on the Force and retreated from it a bit.

As well the final battle between Caedus and his twin Jaina was incredibly well written. Short and Brutal.

In my quest to read through the Legends EU one more time, I'm moving onto the book Millenium Falcon, then the Fate of the Jedi series, though I wasn't as fond of them the first time around. Then I'll finish off with the final legacy cartoons and the excellent and tragic Darth Krayt and the One Sith.
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