Thread: Big Brother 23
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Old 08-21-2021, 01:39 PM   #56
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This is one of the most intelligent casts the show has ever had.

I'm not yet worried about future seasons being race wars. A black person has never won BB before. I'm hoping that once a black winner is finally crowned this season, there won't be as much pressure on future contestants to form another Cookout or be worried about another Cookout forming. They can play their own games. If that happens BB23 will probably be looked back as a below-average, but necessary season that will make the game better in the long run.

CBS tried different casting on Survivor: Cook Islands a long time ago, where the cast tribes were evenly split by race. That idea was really controversial at the time though. I think it could be fine on BB and be even welcomed as long as they aren't forced into teams and have the freedom to align with anyone they want.
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