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Old 07-26-2021, 02:53 PM   #2552
First Line Centre
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Originally Posted by Jay Random View Post
I doubt the actual construction project will be designed in two hours with MS Paint. So that already leaves Calgary Next in the dust.
It was a horrible presentation. but even discounting that, the entire concept including the surrounding infrastructure was ill-conceived and showed a lack of insight and long-term implications outside of what was good for CSEC and what they wanted. I don't think they've suddenly become more altruistic and concerned with what's in the best interest of the city and it's residents and less with what's good for them and their bottom line. Which is fine for a business, but not who you want in charge of a major city project that could impact the resident's long after the team decides that the arena is no longer suitable and demand another new arena.
The Delhi police have announced the formation of a crack team dedicated to nabbing the elusive 'Monkey Man' and offered a reward for his -- or its -- capture.
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