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Old 06-18-2021, 06:42 AM   #13780
Franchise Player
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Originally Posted by Snuffleupagus View Post
Depends on what the return is, I said it before and I'll say it again, Treliving is like his father, he needs to believe 100% that he's winning any trade, he doesn't want to take any risks that may backfire but it also means he won't hit many homeruns either. Mark Stone would have made this team a hell of a lot better than Valimaki ever will even if they had to pay him $9.5m to keep him. Good GM's don't sit on their hands waiting to fleece another GM, Good GM's make deals, take chances to make their team a contender not take chances on over the hill bum UFA's just looking to cash in on a final contract.

If a divisional rival gets Eichel I will guarantee everyone here will say "we should have beat that offer"

Silliness of this aside we would have a lot of cap space to build around Eichel, with a couple of decent pickups we'd likely be better than the Oilers this year, something we're not right now and won't be unless this team makes a couple of major changes.

There's is not 2 current players plus a prospect on this team I wouldn't trade for Eichel

I do not agree with your take. Look at the deal with Carolina. Initial response to that trade was mixed at best with a lot of fans absolutely hating the deal. If Lindholm does not break out the way he did that trade would have been a loss for the Flames and there was a ton of risk.

It is like you want him to make a move to make a move. Reminds me of Jay Feaster when we were all excited to see the return on Regehr which immediately turned to pure anger when you see the return.

I don’t agree with your take on everyone saying “we should have beat that offer” look no further than the Dubois trade where Flamea fans were really hoping to get him. When the deal breaks and it is Laine+Roslivic going the other way most Flames fans knew that was not a price we could match. If Anaheim makes a move where they trade the 3rd pick, another young player and take on that cap hot without sending any salary back it is simply something Calgary couldn’t do.

That leads me to your Mark Stone take and sheer lack of acknowledging the salary cap. I have no idea how the Flames would have been able to make that deal work. At minimum the Flames would have needed the Sens or someone to take back Neal in that trade which would never of happened. The Flames could barely make the cap work that summer with Tkachuk signing a bridge deal let alone sign another player for at least 9.5M.

Treliving didn’t give up the pieces for Stone because he was almost surely a rental. The way that team performed in those playoffs it would have been wasted assets because Stone doesn’t turn thinks around against the Avs.

I definitely do not agree with any 2 players a prospect for Eichel. For instance Tkachuk, Lindholm, Zary/Pelletier is not a price I want the Flames to pay. It doesn’t free up much cap space at all while taking 2 first line players and replacing them for one who is injured.
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