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Old 06-17-2021, 09:24 AM   #520
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Originally Posted by Hemi-Cuda View Post
Voyager did a whole present day multi-parter in the 90's where they explained the computer revolution was caused by a 30th century time cop who crashed his ship. It was very dumb
Voyager had a lot of really bad story lines, that was one of many.

Its funny, you basically have the equivalent of a huge unlimited sandbox. Aliens, the suspension of real science for plot supporting science. unlimited worlds. Future politics. Federations and Empires and mirror universes. And we have two series going back to the same old time travel stuff. Its just lazy.

I mean Q is unlimited in what he can do. But he comes back with the same old siren call that its the end of everything.

You want something interesting, they touched on a Q war I think in Voyager. That could be a good extension, or how about the thing that gives Q nightmares?

I mean I look at the last few series.

TNG - Had a lot of really interesting storylines, they explored, they ran into a cyber race, psuedo gods, a flawed federation at times,

DS9 - Really pushed the flawed federation, a really great threat race. Inperfect crews and chaos.

Voyager - Just seemed to bounce through the same old but in a different part of the galaxy, The problem is that they never ever challenged their ethics to get home, they always went to the same old we're not doing that.

Enterprise - Could have been really interesting, and it had some good plot points at time. Having the Federation being tiny and weak and technologically inferior was a great idea. Having the Vulcans of the era as complete jerks who were arrogant and condescending was well thought out.

Discovery - meh, TIME TRAVEL

Picard - First series had the good and the bad, but was wildly inconsistent, and now the show runners are rolling out TIME TRAVEL, and seems like same old Q.
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Last edited by CaptainCrunch; 06-17-2021 at 09:26 AM.
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